Cloud Integration

Using best of breed software is the future for every business.
Using 'the cloud' can increase the efficiency of your organisation, helping you to get evenings and weekends back to spend more time with family and friends doing the things you enjoy.

Expert cloud integration advice

Techtivity are a cloud integrators that connects front of line business apps to back-end accounting solutions. We provide software interactions that help business, social enterprise or charity, hum.

Techtivity are experts in connecting apps, we are independent advisors and only recommend apps that meet our internal quality standards.

Basic projects could be as simple as:
  1. Quote on best apps for your line of business
  2. Data migration of historical database
  3. Conversation and Implementation
  4. Server replacement to virtual platform
  5. Software Training and Support
More advanced projects could require additional work at the scoping phase.
Some projects may require the development and design of software workflows.

Techtivity also builds and develops if technology doesn't exist yet, check out our custom building options.

Definition: a cloud integrator is someone that helps you choose 'best of breed' software based on:
  • Industry (vertical)
  • Requirements
  • Price
Techtivity provides a no-obligation free quotation for recommended software selection.


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